Christmas in Small Spaces

Our apartment in Vancouver is small. I actually don’t mind the size of the living space as much as I mind the lack of closet space and the tiny, uncomfortable kitchen. It is also much more noticeable when your place is untidy when you are in a small space (which is probably a blessing in disguise), so I spend a lot of the time folding and stacking things to try them to fit into closets, cupboards, and boxes out of sight.

Our landlord prohibited the use of real Christmas trees in the building due to safety concerns. We probably were not going to get one anyways because of the lack of space. I did, however, end up bringing a whole bunch of fir and pine branches home that I picked up off the ground around Stanley Park one rainy morning. I even managed to find some holy that has been cut down and brought a bunch of it home. From these natural supplies and a few store bought things, I created some festive displays to plant around our place.
